In this assignment we created a Kickstarter video to promote a new product called "Kara" that tracks critical items for family members while traveling. This project is an exploration of "Internet of Things" concept and a learning experience of video making and idea pitching.
Type Promotional Video
Date Fall 2015, 3 weeks
Course Interaction Design Fundamentals
Skills Interviews, Script Writing, Video Making
Roles Designer, Producer
Team Gian-Piero Spicci, Dianielle Dodo

The Problem

When families travel together, it is easy to leave behind critical items, such as a baby pacifier, or a passport. When this happens, an enjoyable trip can easily turn into a disaster. Moreover, packing and keeping track of travel items can be very stressful as well.

Our Solution - Kara

Kara is a personal travel companion that suggests packing lists based on travel destination and family needs. It also ensures that the user packs every item needed. Kara makes family trips more enjoyable, with its customizable clip, colorful stickers and smart notifications.


Final Kickstarter Video


Design Process Summary

1. Select potential target users of RFID tracking.
2. Generate sketch scenarios on the activity the technology will support. 
3. Generate a script that pitches the product as desired by a target set of users.
4. Record audio and shoot product introduction.
5. Shoot example user interactions with product/service.
6. Shoot b-role to cover narrator/interview.
7. Produce a rough cut of footage and audio.
8. Refine all previous steps into the final video. 

Snapshots of Our Video Making Process